6 Cost-Saving Heating Tips
Everyone wants to be able to come home to a cozy warm house during the winter months. But not everyone wants to watch their heating bill skyrocket to keep their house a pleasant temperature. Luckily, with a bit of investing and awareness, you can have the best of both worlds. Our professionals at Signature HVAC have devised this list of six cost-saving heating tips to keep your bills down and your home temperature up this winter season.
6 Tips to Help Keep Your Pennsylvania Heating Costs Down
- Change your air filters. Our first tip is something you should honestly be doing year-round, but becomes much more important during extreme seasons (that is, summer and winter). At least once a month, go around your house and check up on your air filters. If any of them looks dirty, make sure you replace it! Not only will a dirty air filter strain your system and cost you in heating bills, it can eventually cause bigger problems.
- Keep your vents open. Because of the way ventilation and HVAC systems are designed, closing heat registers in your house actually costs more in the long run. Closing off your vents reduces your system’s air flow, and causes a build-up of air pressure in your ductwork that can lead to all kinds of problems. So remember: Don’t shut your vents! Open them up, and keep your rugs and furniture clear.
- Invest in weatherproofing. Unless you’ve already weatherproofed your home (in which case—good for you!), odds are good that you’re losing a lot of heat from tiny gaps and holes throughout your house. Check and (if need be) replace the weather-stripping on all the doors and windows in your home and cover your windows with plastic film to cut off any drafts.
- Let the light in. Speaking of little things adding up, don’t discount the power of sunlight! Even in the winter months, sunlight can pull its weight in keeping your house warm. Throw open your curtains and pull up your blinds if it’s bright and sunny outside. The warm sunshine will serve to both reduce the weight load on your heating system and to pep up your home.
- Insulate your ducts. According to ENERGY STAR®, somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of the air moving through homeowners’ ventilation systems is lost to gaps, leaks, and sections of improperly connected ductwork. Eliminating these air leaks can make your heating system much more efficient, but may be a job for an HVAC professional—someone who knows where gaps can be closed, and what material is best to do it.
- Schedule your annual HVAC maintenance. If you haven’t already done so, contact an HVAC expert to have a certified technician give your system its annual check-up. Maintenance on your heating system will not only keep it running at its best, but it will keep it running longer without need for replacement parts or repairs.
Superior HVAC Services & Savings in West Chester
Looking for top-class services from industry leading professionals? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Our team can help you get the service and HVAC maintenance you need to ensure you’re comfortable and saving money all season long. Give us a call today to find out more, or contact us on the web!